In 1990, Ghana had 8.2 million hectares of high forest most of which today only 1.2 million hectares remain. The deforestation is caused mainly by slashing and bush clearance for agriculture, logging, brushfires, and unsustainable harvesting of fuel wood, including charcoal production. This situation has been worsened by the ever increasing demand for charcoal with increasing oil prices. Unlike previously when most wood supply for charcoal production was from off-reserve sources, increasingly, the forest reserves are also being exploited for illegal charcoal production in Ghana .
At the current level deforestation of 2%, Ghana's level is among the highest in Africa , with current levels of wood-fuel consumption far exceeding forest growth. Wood-fuel cooking is therefore giving rise to green house gas emissions as well as significant health risk
We are therefore focused on the replacement of traditional fire wood stoves with very low efficiencies with an improved stove, - MOTORIZED PALM NUT SHELL STOVE. The MOTORIZED PALM NUT SHELL STOVE differs from the fire wood stove by virtue of having a combustion chamber which is heavily insulated with a ceramic liner and funned by a 1.5hp Centrifugal fan
Over 5,000 hectares of forest area saved per year
Nearly 100,000 Tonnes of CO2 reduced in a year
A study of Ghanaian households, where traditional cooking pots were replaced with wood stoves, showed significant reductions in noxious fumes and smoke, bringing carbon monoxide levels within World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. Indoor Air Pollution is thought to account for.6 million premature deaths each year, worldwide. The replacement to a MOTORIZED PALM NUT SHELL STOVE meant children under five were nearly 25% less at risk of respiratory mortality.
Last but not least, you save money as the fuel (palm nut shell) is cheap and accessible.
P. O. BOX kf 1560, KOFORIDUA. TEL: 233-244543184 / 233-249259950.
Ghana, West Africa Email:
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